5 Best Free Annual Report Tools - Yearly

5 Best Free Annual Report Tools – Yearly

Have you spent endless amounts of time searching for free annual report tools, templates, and builders? If so, you’re not alone. Annual reporting for nonprofits can be overwhelming to tackle alone without guidance.

That’s why our team at Yearly is introducing our 5 best free annual report tools, through our free trial—all designed for nonprofits.

Let’s dive in! 

Free Annual Report Tool #1: Chart and graph creator

One of the most difficult parts of the annual report process is showcasing your organization’s financial information. With so many metrics, it can be hard to contextualize and simplify some big numbers. But, when you focus on data visualization, your readers become much more connected to your mission.

Because this is a common headache we often hear from nonprofit workers, we designed a tool that creates line, bar, and pie graphs to help streamline your workflow.  Instead of creating a graphic in Canva or InDesign, and trying to embed it into your report, our software does all the hard work for you.


Free Annual Report Tool #2 Custom donate buttons and links 

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Your annual report can be a killer tool for donation solicitation. Evoking emotion, inspiring action, and providing transparency are all important. But, there’s one silver bullet that most nonprofits forget to include: custom links to their donation page.

Many annual report software solutions make readers exit the annual report to donate. With Yearly’s custom donate link tool, readers can contribute right from the page they’re on. This will improve your donation conversion rate and mitigate any user friction.

For a video tutorial on how to create custom donate links, click here.


Free Annual Report Tool #3 Social media embedder

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Does the word “embed” make you think of coding and HTML? If so, we get—we’ve been there. Just the mention of embedding makes our hearts race.

With Yearly, users can incorporate live social media posts right into their report, all without having to learn how to code. With our easy to use tool, you can select any social media post—LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook—and put it right into your report.

Show readers what your social presence and online community looks like. This give supporters another glimpse into your work. And, it allows them easy access to follow your accounts, right from the report.

For a video tutorial on how to embed social media into your report, click here.


Free Annual Report Tool #4 Royalty-free stock image library

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Many nonprofits do not have a professional photographer on staff to take photos at events or fundraisers. So, many organizations have empty image libraries.

And while that might seem like a major problem when it comes to visual storytelling in your annual report, it’s not.

So many nonprofits run into this issue and realize they didn’t have many candid shots to use. So, we’ve incorporated a royalty-free stock image library. Instead of adding in blurry photos, or omitting photos altogether, choose from a huge variety of free images to being your annual report to life.

For a video tutorial on how you can add photos to your annual report, click here.


Free Annual Report Tool #5 Unique URL

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Last but not least, one of the best tools Yearly has to offer is the ability to customize your page’s URL. While this seems like a small benefit, it’s actually a huge game-changer.

Purchasing a URL can get expensive, not to mention competitive. With Yearly, you can create a totally unique URL that will help with brand consistency and organic searching.

To get started on Yearly, and access our free trial, click here.