The how and why behind integrating social media into your annual report
If you’re a business owner or nonprofit leader, you probably already know how important social media is. From reaching new audiences to creating brand awareness, social media is an incredible tool. It can help cultivate meaningful connections and inspire more donations—a key to nonprofit success.
So while social media is crucial for any new or established organization, the existence of social media channels alone is not enough to aid a business in its goals. Organizations must effectively use social media in order for it to be helpful. In our opinion, one of the best ways to do this is by integrating social media into your annual report (the greatest marketing tool, ever). We’re biased, we know, but take our word for it.
Let’s dig deeper into the why and how behind it all.
Hyperlink social media icons in your annual report
By hyperlinking your social media accounts—Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.— into your annual report, stakeholders will be able to more easily find you online. With the click of their cursor, readers can locate you on any and every platform. This will help increase your followers and will guide supporters in connecting with your organization in a brand new way.
Using Yearly’s use-to-use toolbar, you can hyperlink icons, photos, links, and more. Place them at the beginning of your report, at the end, or even somewhere between!
Embed published social media posts in your annual report
While it might seem odd to include social media posts directly into your annual report, doing so is beneficial. By including these updates, supporters can see in real-time exactly what kind of projects and endeavors your nonprofit took on over the course of the year. Doing so saves you time and it reinforce your organization as an authority in the space.
Embedding posts and updates is incredibly simple. By using our video resources, we’ll walk you through each step of the process (trust us, it’s easier than it sounds!).
Link to forums, live polls, and collaborative pages in your annual report
By linking your annual report to a collaborative page or thread, your organization builds trust with stakeholders. By giving them a platform to connect with you and others, your supporters will be more apt to give and volunteer.
Because an annual report made by Yearly is a digital, living document, you can easily hyperlink any text within your report. Are you looking for feedback on a particular initiative? Hyperlink it to a Facebook poll. Want a place for your volunteers to connect with one another? Hyperlink to a Facebook discussion group!