Make the Most of Your Nonprofit Board of Directors - Yearly

Make the Most of Your Nonprofit Board of Directors – Yearly

Most nonprofits have a Board of Directors (BOD). But, despite how helpful and lucrative that board is, many organizations don’t take full advantage of the benefits of having a robust, passionate nonprofit board of directors on their team.

For most, a board of directors comes with long, often boring meetings, scheduled check-ins, and dry agendas. While some of the realities of having a board of directors are true, nonprofits can optimize this relationship. And, make the most out of their commitment to your organization.

Let’s dig into how.


Get to know them

Though it seems simple, many nonprofits don’t take the time to actually learn about their individual board members—beyond a quick bio.

Nonprofits need to spend time and energy connecting with their board of directors on a more personal level. In turn, the board will feel much more intertwined with your work and driven to contribute.

Consider having more frequent coffee chats with board members. In doing so, you’ll better understand the root of their participation in your organization. Why did they want to become involved? What does the mission mean to them? What are they hoping to personally accomplish by participating in your efforts?

The more a nonprofit can understand its board of directors, the better it’ll be able to leverage certain members for strategic purposes.


Always leverage their networks

Most board members have robust networks—both personally and professionally. And it’s part of the reason they become so valuable to charities.

But, with little time to dedicate to focusing just on board members, their networks can slip right under the radar. Instead, schedule time every month to assess each member’s connections and identify which ones might be fruitful. And, encourage your board members to expand their network, too—ask them to reach out to possible new supporters and introduce them to the mission.


Encourage them to share

In the age of technology, it’s easier to share now more than ever. Board members don’t have to be Instagram gurus or LinkedIn thought leaders. But, it is important that they get in the habit of sharing exciting information about their involvement with your organization with colleagues—both in-person and not.

With mobile-friendly SaaS software, board members can easily share nonprofit information via email or even text. Both of which require minimal effort and little to no technology skills. That way, your board members will spread the word about your work!


Keep them in the loop

One of the best ways to make the most out of your board members is to keep them informed. From keeping them in the loop about events, initiatives, and even new hires, board members should feel “in the know” at all times.

By creating impact reports, digital event recaps, and more, your BOD will feel uniquely tied to your work.


Set clear expectations

Perhaps one of the easiest and most simple strategies to making the most out of your BOD is setting clear expectations.

Like any new employee or volunteer, it’s crucial that your organization takes the time to let your board members know exactly what kind of work and participation they will be expected to engage in. Consider what activities you want your BOD to be involved with—what’s the time commitment? What do you hope it will yield?

Be sure to answer all these questions so members aren’t left guessing.