By Ori Amiel
K-12 education comes in many forms — from public schools to private schools to religious schools to charter schools. So many of these institutions are tasked with raising millions each year to continue fulfilling their educational missions and meeting their students where they are.
As schools of all kinds expand and refine their educational services, many have begun using digital reports to showcase their impact concisely and effectively.
This is where Storyraise comes into play. We designed our platform with K-12 schools in mind, ensuring they have a simple and effective way to engage stakeholders in a digital space. With custom templates and drag-and-drop features, schools are able to quite literally show their impact on students and communities.
We picked three report examples to inspire your next K-12 report. Each school takes a different approach to beautifying and simplifying the reporting process. And by doing so, each school caters to their target audience.
Golden Valley Charter Schools
By featuring teachers, staff, students, parents and the board of trustees in their report, Golden Valley Charter School takes a holistic approach to appeal to their donors. Using photos, videos, testimonies and letters, donors are able to see the direct impact their support is having.
Through clear, sharp charts and diagrams, Golden Valley shows how it’s prioritizing investments, giving donors insight into where their money is going. Lastly, the school makes sure to show their gratitude towards those who have supported them by acknowledging their donors from the past year.
Mandel Jewish Day School
Using Storyraise, Mandel Jewish Day School created a digital literary magazine, letting students speak for themselves through art. Aside from a few introductory paragraphs, the “report” is a collection of student artwork, meant to capture the inclusive and accepting environment at Mandel.
By showing and not telling, Mandel quite literally paints a picture of how the next generation is learning and growing through art. The visuals do the talking, which amplifies the accomplishments and ideas of a diverse set of students.
Clonlara School
Clonlara is a dynamic international school system, home to students from more than 35 countries. Each has different learning needs and customs. All of that comes through in this commencement program, created in honor of the graduating class.
It functions like a digital yearbook by featuring graduating students and their accomplishments. Students also express gratitude for Clonlara for helping them discover and pursue their passions. Including these emotional and genuine testimonials show the wide-reaching impact Clonlara has on individual students and the collective student body.