5 Reporting Trend Questions to Consider in 2022 - Yearly

5 Reporting Trend Questions to Consider in 2022 – Yearly

Like any for-profit company, it’s important that nonprofits stay relevant and topical when appealing to supporters and other stakeholders. Though nonprofits aren’t selling a “product,” it’s crucial that they stay up-to-date on real-world news and industry trends.
When nonprofits are able to remain relevant in this way, stakeholders feel more connected to their mission. And, they feel more inspired by the work they’re doing. They trust that the organization is working with passion and integrity and above all, accomplishing the work they’ve set out to do. For all nonprofits, no matter their cause, the mission is clear: to improve their communities, both globally and locally.
One of the best ways to show this relevancy is through your annual report. Though the annual report is often full of information about your nonprofit—financial information, donor lists, and more—it’s imperative that charities also dedicate space within their report for updates that pertain specifically to the preceding year.
Though it’s no surprise to anyone, a lot happened in 2022. When creating your annual report this year, take some time to reflect on how your nonprofit responded to the following questions.

1. How did your organization take advantage of technology solutions?

More nonprofits than ever before are leaning into tech-first solutions for age-old issues in the industry. From board management software to digital report software, the nonprofit industry has begun to pivot towards tech. And, for good reason. Not only is an investment in technology usually pretty cost-effective but, it also shows stakeholders that you care about staying abreast of innovative solutions. In turn, nonprofits can reach more people and do more good than ever before.

2. Did you prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Diversity and equity—this year more than ever—took center stage. While most industries have begun to make real strides in inclusion in their hiring practices as well as in their day-day-work, nonprofits have been center stage of the conversation. Because charities focus on impact, progress, and change, it’s important that they follow through with their values.
Consider whether your nonprofit made progress in diversity, equity and, inclusion. Did you participate in DEI workshops, or reorganize your hiring practices? Did you expand your initiatives to focus on underrepresented populations? Recalibrate your data measurements to be more inclusive?

3. How did you fundraise during an economic downturn?

Financially, 2022 was a hard year—nonprofits know that best. While the economic distress seems obvious, it’s important that nonprofit assess how they pivoted during such a tricky year. Consider whether your nonprofit restructured your campaigns or events. Did you pivot to accommodate for job loss and/or inflation? How so?

4. Did you take advantage of sustainable practices? 

Though going green has become a bit of a buzzword in the last few years, a nonprofit’s ability to create sustainable, eco-friendly practices is key. Whether your nonprofit is focused on environmental justice or not, adopting and sustaining “green” processes shows supporters that you care about your community in more ways than one. Consider whether or not your nonprofit has invested in eco-friendly tech solutions. Or found new, innovative approaches to old school problems?

5. Did you focus on digital engagement?

One of the biggest trends of 2022 was an emphasis on virtual, interactive content. From Zoom events to interactive social media posts, nonprofits have seen huge success by going digital. Namely, their ability to be mobile-friendly has been a key to success. Consider whether your nonprofit has created interactive content in the past year. Have you made things “clickable,” or “scrollable?”
When putting together your annual report, remember to tailor your content to respond to the news and trends of 2022. In turn your supporters will recognize your ability to adapt, pivot, and take on new, innovative approaches to your work.