What Software Should I Use To Create Annual Report? - Yearly

What Software Should I Use To Create Annual Report? – Yearly

Not sure what software to use to create your annual report? We’ve got you covered.

Deciding which software to use for your next annual report is a task within itself. For small, or even large nonprofits, that have little to no experience in annual report creation or graphic design, it can be tough to decipher what platform is best to use.
When deciding on the software to create your annual report, consider some of the following questions.

Is this software easy to use?

Assuming that no one on your team is a tech wiz or skilled graphic designer, it’s important to buy or invest in software that’s user-friendly. For nonprofits, with often limited budgets for graphic design needs, it’s crucial that whatever software you’re purchasing can be used by anyone on your team. Doug from development? Sure. Katie from operations? You bet. The easier the tool is to use, the better—no prior training required.

Is this software template-able? 

While using software with tons of bells and whistles can be a joy, it’s important to use a tool in which those bells and whistles are replicable. Whatever software you’re using should allow you the ability to save and template your materials. That way, you don’t have to start from scratch the next year. A great software will house your brand colors, fonts, and more so you don’t have to go digging for them year after year.

Can I rely on this software’s customer service?

This is a big one. Sure, it can be great to use huge name brands to create your report—they’re sleek, user-friendly, and creative. But, using a big name brand can come with some drawbacks.
Let’s say you’re having trouble formatting your report. The margins are wonky, and your images are blurry and out of place. You can call the helpline or send in a request, but you might not receive an answer for a few days, even a week. To avoid that, it’s important to identify software that’s designed specifically for nonprofits. Because so many big-name softwares can be used for anything—from birthday invitations to pitches—there’s less of a chance that you’ll get a tailored experience.

How expansive are the integration capabilities?

Long gone are the days of text-heavy annual reports that read more like dry textbooks than stories. While you can, of course, create your annual report with Microsoft Word or regular ole pdf capabilities, we suggest integrating your social media, video, and more. Doing so will inspire readers and help connect them to your mission.
When looking at annual report software, check out their integration capabilities. Can you embed YouTube links? Custom donate links? A tweet?
With Yearly, nonprofits can get the most bang for their buck. An easy-to-use, nonprofit first, annual report creator, organizations will be right at home with their customer service, and seemingly limitless integration capabilities.