Office hours: how to use impact reports to maximize EOY giving

Office hours: how to use impact reports to maximize EOY giving

By Dionna Dash

’Tis the season for nonprofits to be in the midst of their last fundraising push, hoping to meet their financial goals. Classic end-of-year options, like email campaigns and direct mail appeals, are tried and true, but there’s another effective way to maximize giving: impact reports.

They show donors the tangible results of their gifts. Impact reports present clear, measurable data and feature human stories. Together, the hard numbers and the personal accounts show donors how their dollars are being used to change lives. When people see how much good they’ve been able to do in nearly 365 days, they may be encouraged to give a little more to finish out the year strong.

To help nonprofits think beyond traditional fundraising avenues, Josh Kligman and Sabrina Biggers of Storyraise recently joined Claudia Estrella of Givebutter for a virtual office hour to discuss how impact reports can maximize end-of-year giving campaigns.

Watch now or read the transcript, which has been edited for length and clarity.

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